I started light therapy in mid January 2011. The treatment ended in April but although it only lasted three months, I’ve seen brilliant results in a couple of my patches. Now the summer’s pretty much over – here’s a follow-up of my progress.
I won’t dwell on the actual treatment (I’ve documented it already if you’re interested) but just so you know, this is the only treatment I’ve tried that has resulted in re-pigmentation.
So, by my third month of light therapy I began re-pigmenting in my smaller patches and had small freckles appearing in larger ones – but understandably I wasn’t allowed to carry on because I had reached my dosage limit.
With it being April and the weather getting better I wanted to see if the re-pig would continue naturally (since the therapy had triggered something). I chose to use my elbow as the test and exposed it where possible over summer. This is the result:
What was quite a noticeable patch on my elbow is barely recognisable now. I’m really chuffed with the results so far and it goes to show – you never know what’ll work until you try. One of the doctors in the phototherapy unit even told me I should stop (before I was meant to) and I nearly gave up. If I listened to her and did do, I would have never found out this treatment would have worked for me!