On your marks for vitiligo awareness!


Hundreds of people took part in spreading the word about vitiligo yesterday in support of World Vitiligo Day – the day proposed to raise global awareness of the disorder and help increase support for patients.

Campaigners actively supported the day with kind words of support from all over the world:

  • Hemel Hempstead, UK: @SamSc0tt : “#vilitigo day, spread the word not the patches! My attempt at a smart phrase, I suck haha. #staystrong

  • Bristol, UK @Deanedwardschef : “In a strange twist of fate, due to MJ’s death today is national vitiligo day! The only thing I have in common with the big man!”

  • Johannesburg, SA: @Gaone_Tlhong : “2day is #vitiligo world awareness day..looking forward 2 spread the message”

  • Indiana, US: @DDBlanks “2day is also Vitiligo awareness day a dz which the king if Pop also had! So give a smile & hello 2 someone w/ Vit! It’s who we R”

The day accompanies the remembrance of music legend Michael Jackson.

It’s not too late to support the campaign. Simply follow this link to sign the petition to help make 25 June a recognised day. It only takes a few minutes.

 Remember – be proud of who you are and every inch of your body! *Help make this day memorable*