Telisha Gibson is a 23 year old college student from Brooklyn New York. Like Many 23 year olds discovering and igniting their passions to make their Mark in the world, Telisha is using her marks to ignite her passion to illuminate and raise awareness for Vitligo research. Perfectly Flawed is an organisation started by Telisha Gibson to raise awareness for individuals who have vitiligo. The goal of perfectly flawed is to raise money to make a documentary to enter into film festivals, so we can raise awareness about our community and prompt more research to be done to find better treatments and possibly even a cure.” -Telisha Gibson
Telisha, who also is diagnosed with the condition, maintains the mantra that “perfectly flawed is to embrace ones imperfections and seeking your own personal perfection.
Telisha hopes that through awareness and film project, it will build a network of those afflicted and they can be affiliated by building a positive self image. By embracing her condition, Telisha has accepted a mission to unite and strengthen a population otherwise divided by the unknown. By raising awareness Telisha is beginning to empower through knowledge and healing through community. Through her site you may find a wellness blog highlighting positive living as well as the Perfectly Flawed tee in which the proceeds to the production of the Film.
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